The Positive Principle Show |
Mary Beth's blog
This weeks positive principle is “All About LOVE”. It has been another great experience for me this week. Lots more realizations and steps forward in my love and acceptance of myself and my career journey. With that said, let's talk about love. In particular self-love. A few weeks ago a friend posted on Facebook this question, “If you could say any two words to your 17 year old self what would they be?”. I said, “Love Yourself”. I feel there is nothing more important to realize. No one ever taught me the importance of loving myself. I believe loving yourself is critical to having a good self-esteem. We sometimes go through life with this way of thinking of how we “should” be physically and in every other way instead of loving and accepting ourselves unconditionally. Much of that thinking is filtered through the messages we get from the media. Our media is sending these messages everywhere you turn that we should look a certain way or have a certain status. These messages also set us up for always making comparisons with others in how we feel about ourselves which then creates thinking that we are never good enough or we don't measure up. I think this especially true for a lot of women. One of the things I have created for myself this week is a daily love routine. I have begun to start and end each day with giving love to myself , love to my current and my future career, and sending love out to others as well. I have also added a daily mantra that Max suggested saying to myself out loud every morning and every night, I love myself, I love my life! All in all the message of love was very personal to me and I am learning to love myself a little bit more everyday. I also believe that it is just as important to send love to others as well as situations in our life. In sending out love the Universe can't help but return that love back to us.
I want to first say how grateful I am to have been chosen to participate in the Positive Principle Show. The opportunity could have not come at a better time for me. I have to admit though that it was not something I would normally have ever considered doing in putting myself “out there.” I am a very private person and don't often share with many people what I am going through in my life. So this has been a big step out of a major comfort zone. Saying that, there is only growth when we are willing to step out of our comfort zones. The one thing I took away from our first show that really struck an internal chord with me was the point of having a “VISION” for your life. Of course like everyone else I always have many dreams. I am a person who is always trying to better myself and grow as a person and am very goal oriented. I think I am currently at a point that I do not know exactly what I want for my life. Of course I want abundance, love and health, and a fulfilling career. What I want specifically career wise is probably the thing that I am most unclear about at the moment. I think that will probably be one of the main things I will be focusing on in this journey. I don't quite have that “vision” yet for that area of my life. Stating that, it is only fitting that this week I am focusing on my career. I am exploring “what I don't want”, “what I would want”and “what I bring to the table”. It may seem easy to come up with these lists but it has been challenging. I only briefly looked at the “what I don't want” merely as a stepping stone to help identify what I do want in my life. I want to put the focus on what I want and what I have to offer. I created a career affirmation for myself to attract what I want. “ I am taking the steps that are opening doors to a fabulous fulfilling, prosperous, exciting and successful career” I am the architect of my career and with the guidance of my wonderful coach Polly I am on my way! All of the 4 Cast Members will be answering this classic 10 questions from Bernard Pivot (you may have seen it used on Inside the Actor's Studio) so you can get to know them just a little better... You might want to do them your self!
Here are Mary Beth's answers!
![]() I am Mary Beth, Daughter, Mom, friend and widow. I have recently had some of the biggest life changes I have ever experienced. In December of 2013 after almost 15 years of marriage my husband and I decided to divorce. I was still living with him in July of 2014 when on a visit to the emergency room he was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. Then, in September, he also suffered a heart attack. He finally succumbed to the cancer and lost his battle on January 15th. I am now the single mom of a 13 year old son and am still recovering from this huge loss as he was my best friend. It has also been a huge loss for my son as well. Our world has been turned upside down and we are taking things one day at a time. As you might imagine this has pushed me further into really evaluating my life. For a great amount of my life I feel I was unconscious and did not really truly know myself. We all struggle with that inner voice of criticisms and shoulds. My worst enemy has been myself. I have also suffered at times with depression. I finally had a breakthrough in my life and started to grow when I decided to open my mind up to new spiritual ideas and look within and start to really work on my stuff. I have spent the better part of the last 6 years doing the work and trying to grow and face all of the things that I really wanted to change that were just not working for me anymore. I have made a lot of progress but have not quite reached the point of having what I really want for myself and my life. I am looking forward to having a better body image, daily inner peace, and living life with more joy. I am so grateful to have been chosen to participate and share this new journey with you on the Positive Principle Show. I am excited to see all the good things that will unfold before me. Thank you in advance for your support. |
Mary Beth's Blog
This is where you can follow Mary Beth as she takes the 8 week Journey! Archives
May 2015
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